Meet Keena & Jessica

Meet Keena

Keena is a Southern California native, and currently resides in San Diego, CA. Growing up as an “overweight” child, Keena

Keena Bowden

experienced fat hatred in the form of cruel teasing by her peers. Thanks to the support of Keena’s loving Black family–who accepted her size and nurtured her self-esteem–the bullying never stopped Keena’s light from shining through. Today, Keena is an unapologetically fat and confident woman who enjoys helping other women to feel the same way about themselves whether they are large or small; she is a strong believer in size acceptance for all.

Keena has a strong interest in self expression through art. In her free time she enjoys crocheting, dancing, attending cultural festivals and dining out alone or with friends. Currently, Keena is working on a jewelry collection for lovers of ethnic and gaudy jewelry to be sold at her online store and around San Diego. She blogs at, and you can contact her at


Meet Jessica

Jessica Jarchow

As a fat activist and self-proclaimed Miss Piggy Bitch, Jessica’s various projects include fat-positive event planning, speaking engagements, speaking her mind whenever and wherever possible, and causing general body-positive ruckus in her various communities online and off.

When she’s not blogging at, Jessica encourages body positivity by being as visible as possible and demanding respect and dignity for people of all shapes and sizes.

Jessica currently resides in Victoria, B.C. with her partner Erin and their two cats, Elliot and Ezra. You can contact her at